The Internet gives access to a huge amount of data at the click of a mouse. This is very\nhelpful when consumers are making decisions about which product to buy. However, the final\ndecision to purchase is still generally made by humans who have limited memory and perception.\nThe short list heuristic is often used when there are many offers on the market. Searchers first find\ninformation about offers via the Internet and on this basis choose a relatively small number of\noffers to view in real life. Although such rules are often used in practice, little research has been\ncarried out on determining, for example, what the size of the short list should be depending on the\nparameters of the problem or modelling how the short list heuristic can be implemented when there\nare multiple decision makers. This article presents a game theoretic model of such a search procedure\nwith two players. These two players can be interpreted, for example, as a couple searching for a flat\nor a second-hand car. The model indicates that under such a search procedure the roles of searchers\nshould only be divided when the preferences of the players are coherent or there is a high level of\ngoodwill between them. In other cases, dividing the roles leads to a high level of conflict.